
Monday, August 09, 2004

Customer service rant

I had a god-awful experience at work last week. Is it just me, or do people have absolutely no customer service skills whatsoever!?! So, here's what happened. I went down to the cafeteria to get some lunch. This was Thursday, btw. Anyway, I had a craving for a grilled cheese sandwich. They have a very good light wheat bread down in the cafeteria that only has 5 carbs per slice so I thought, "what the hell? I'll splurge a little." I ordered the sandwich and she asked what kind of bread I'd like. I told her light wheat. She said, I have white, wheat, or rye. I said, no, you have the light wheat bread too, it's right down there by the cold sandwich area. She said, "Oh. Well, I didn't bring any of that out. If you want it, go get it."

We're only talking about a matter of about 15 feet here. My point, she was already behind the counter. I was her customer. She should've gotten the bread for me. Instead, I had to walk down there, wait for the person in front of me to get their order, then have the person behind that counter hand me 2 pieces of bread. I was pissed and she could tell. Hell, everyone could tell.

The next day this same girl has the nerve to say to me, "what was with your attitude yesterday?" I went off. I told her she was rude and has very poor customer service skills. I told her she needs to work on that. I also ended up telling her supervisor about it after she stood there and argued with me. I'm usually not one to go over someone's head, but this girl was impossible. She really thought she'd done nothing wrong at all. She thinks that because I'm an employee (like her) that my patronage doesn't count, apparently. Whatever. I spend between $100 - $150 in that cafeteria per month. I have breakfast and lunch there daily. Sometimes I have snacks and/or dinner as well. I won't be doing so anymore. Fuck 'em.

I'm still pissed!

I have to get some work done. I'll actually post some deep thoughts later :)

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  • So what did her supervisor say? I don't know about your place but in our hospital, the food service is all out sourced and they aren't part of the hospital staff at all.

    By Blogger Prom, at 8/09/2004 2:41 PM  

  • That sounds like pretty bad service! I don't even eat in our cafeteria any more. I bring my own food every day. I can see why you were upset!!!

    By Blogger leaveme alone, at 8/09/2004 3:04 PM  

  • Technically, Prom, that's correct. They are actually employed by another company and sort of sub-contractors for the hospital.

    Her supervisor said she'd had complaints before, and that she'd take care of it. She asked me if this had just happened (it had). Then she walked me out of her office and headed for the cafeteria. I assumed she was going to talk to the woman. This person has worked for the cafeteria for 25 years. I know this because she told me this 3X while she was telling me that my legs work just as well as hers and I could get my own damn bread. (lol)

    Anyway, her supervisor looked irritated by the situation. I don't care how long she's worked here. She's rude. She's always been rude. This was just the final straw.

    By Blogger Brownie, at 8/09/2004 3:12 PM  

  • (cheer) Go Brownie! Go Brownie! Go Brownie! (end cheer)

    Good for you. You'd think that after 25 years, she'd know how to behave, instead of lecturing you! I'm glad you spoke up, and I hope she either reforms or gets canned. No one needs "service" like that.

    By Blogger Joan, at 8/09/2004 10:32 PM  

  • Yes, most people don't speak up, which is why customer service remains the void it is. Good for you. Keep us updated. Tell you what I'd have done with that bread. ;)


    By Blogger fuquinay, at 8/10/2004 7:46 AM  

  • WOW - I'll bet if she doesn't get fired you'll be ordering sandwiches on light wheat bread every day now just to piss her off ;)

    By Blogger Lisa, at 8/10/2004 12:13 PM  

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